We are a turn-key solution for brokerages, agents and their clients to engage the expanding energy efficient and sustainable housing sector.
We are a turn-key solution for brokerages, agents and their clients to engage the expanding energy efficient and sustainable housing sector.
The energy efficient and sustainable real estate sector is still fragmented, confusing and constantly changing.
Trying to get involved is time-consuming and complicated.
Existing certification systems require a high level of expertise that brokerages and agents just don’t have time for. They also can be costly and sellers might not want to invest in them.
We have developed an indicator system that closes the gap between certified and non-certified homes.
Our Green Index lets realtors promote a home’s green* features that are relevant for home buyers.
We simplified the complexities in the sustainable real estate sector and made it more accessible to the public.
* energy efficient and sustainable
A survey conducted by the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation found that 79% of respondents feel energy efficiency and sustainability has some level of importance in the decision to purchase a home.
Source: https://www.cmhc-schl.gc.ca/odpub/pdf/63526.pdf?fr=1470154459153
The Wall Street Journal reports that on average, sustainable homes have 5.5% higher property value
Source: The Wall Street Journal – ADAM BONISLAWSKI April 29, 2015